Welcome to my Website!

Who am I?

I am Jadah Woodley and I am a senior at North Carolina State University, majoring in English with a concentration in LWR (language, writing, and rhetoric). The reason that I have made this website is because it was an assignment for one of my classes. The reason that I decided to take this coding class is because I think that coding is a super important skill to learn for the future. You never know when you might need this skill and it would look great on my resume! If you would like to see my experience outside of class, here is my resume, which was made on carrd!

Photo of me

Interests in Rhetoric & Design

Being able to understand rhetoric is one of the important skills that I need to learn for the career that I want to go into. Being an editor means that not only do I have to go behind writers and correct spelling and/or grammar, but I also need to make sure that their facts are straight and if what they write will appeal to their readers. I would have to see if their writing would appeal emotionally to their audience by checking how they use rhetoric. I love the concept of design in this class because I have never attempted to make my own website, so I feel like my mind has been opened to a whole new medium and I also feel like web design would be a very useful skill in the future!

Career Aspirations

As I have stated earlier, I would like to become an editor. I have taken a lot of English classes just to go along this path, you would think that I would be tired of it, but not really. My like of editing came from watching a movie when I was younger, I can't remember what it was called, but that memory has stuck with me until now. Since then, going down this path just seemed right for me.


These are things I like to do when there is nothing important to do: